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Mondeal Heights has won the “Trends Excellence Awards”

Picture: Purnesh Dev Nikhanj for blocher partners

Projects (e)


With the 17-storey office building Mondeal Heights, blocher partners india has followed up Mondeal Square in 2015 with another architectural landmark in the fast-growing Indian metropolis of Ahmedabad. Recently it has won the “Trends Excellence Awards” as “Commercial Project of 2019”. The ceremony took place in Mumbai. Over the past years the award for innovative, inspiring and creative practices in the field of Indian architecture, interiors and design has become one of India’s most sought-after design awards. And it is not the only award, Mondeal Heights received in the past years: The charismatic project has also won the “Realty + Excellence Award” as “Design project of the Year in 2018.

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The 70-metre-high towers house generous office spaces and conference rooms. The buildings themselves play with interwoven and shifted elements, which celebrate an urban dynamism. The façade is a grid of open, semi-transparent and closed rectangles. Mondeal Heights is a business centre of international standing, adding a new accent to the aspiring metropolis.

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The buildings of blocher partners india always form a harmonious unit with their surrounding; at the same time, they radiate self-confident individuality. Founded 1989 in Germany, the company responded to the growing requests from Asia with the foundation of a subsidiary company in Delhi. Especially for the Indian clients it was important to have an office on location. The special competence of the architectural group is the interlocking of structural design and interior design. This holistic approach is hardly reached by any other architectural firm.

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Ahmedabad has quickly become a second home for the Indian team. Also thanks to HN Safal, one of the long-time, loyal clients which stand behind visionary real estates like the breathtakingly beautiful Mondeal Square, the one-of-a-kind Mondeal Retail Park – and now also Mondeal Heights. “The close connections led us to lay more emphasis on Gujarat and especially on the city where we feel at home – Ahmedabad”, Dieter Blocher, Founder and CEO, explains. blocher partners india moved to the metropolis in 2014 – and incorporated their office into a self-planned architectural masterpiece:
Mondeal Square. A striking building ensemble that – amongst other highlights –boasts with India’s largest media façade.

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Facts and Figures about Mondeal Heights
Architecture & Interior Design: blocher partners india
Area of new construction: 2 towers with 58,000 square metres
Size: Development on 4 acres land parcel with 75% open space
Amenities: Offices, Business Centre, Conferencing Facilities, Double Basement Parking
Location: Proximity to the main residential and commercial hubs of Ahmedabad on Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway
Height; 70 metres
Storeys: 17
Completion: 12.2016
Client: HN Safal Group, Ahmedabad

Picture: Purnesh Dev Nikhanj for blocher partners

Foto: Weber


Prägendes architektonisches Merkmal des neuen Wim-Wenders-Gymnasiums in Düsseldorf ist die lichtdurchflutete Agora. Foto: Jörg Hempel


An der Rohdecke abgependelte Microline-Profilleuchten mit extra weitem Lichtaustritt von Deltalight sorgen in den Arbeitsplatzzonen für die Allgemeinbeleuchtung. Die schlanken Lichtlinien folgen den Diagonalen des Teppichboden-Dessins und lockern den strengen rechteckigen Grundriss damit auf. Foto: Ingmar Kurth


Prof. Thomas Auer ist Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen an der TU München und Geschäftsführer des international tätigen Ingenieurbüros Transsolar. Bild: Tassilo Letzel / TUM Department of Architecture


Prof. Thomas Auer ist Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen an der TU München und Geschäftsführer des international tätigen Ingenieurbüros Transsolar. Bild: Tassilo Letzel / TUM Department of Architecture


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